How To Know If Cedar Fencing Is Right For Your Home

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If you are on the fence about what wood fencing material is right for you, then cedar should be a serious contender! 

Residential privacy fences made of cedar have many advantages, such as:

Here is more information about each of these advantages to help you decide if a cedar fence is right for your home:

Cedar Fences Last for Decades

One of the biggest advantages of cedar fences is that they will last for decades with very little maintenance. 

The reasons for the longevity of cedar fencing are found in the wood itself. When cedar trees are milled into lumber, they produce fence planks that are straight and very strong. The planks will not twist or warp as they age and are exposed to the elements. This means your fence will be as straight in a decade as it was the day it was installed! 

In addition, the natural oils in cedar resist pests, and this goes a long way toward the longevity of a fence.

Cedar Fences are Insect and Biological Growth Resistant

Just as the natural oils in cedar mulch and bark products keep insects and other pests out of your flowerbeds, cedar fence boards contain these same natural oils and do the same. This ensures termites and other wood boring insects will avoid your new fence.

In addition to repelling insects, cedar fences also resist biological growth from things such as mold and moss. While pine fences installed in humid climates can have issues with mold or moss growth, those made of cedar will not. This goes a long way towards extending the natural life of your fence.

Cedar Fences Don't Require Pressure Treating or Other Chemical Treatments

Most lumber used outdoors requires pressure treatment to avoid rotting and insect infestation. However, cedar does not. This means your new fence will be free of chemicals and completely natural. This is especially important if you have children or pets in your household who will come into contact with the fence.

Cedar Fences Don't Ever Require Sealing for Weatherization

Lastly, it is important to note that while other types of wooden fences need to be sealed to prevent rotting, this is not the case for cedar fences. The natural oils in the wood make this expensive and time-consuming task completely unnecessary. However, if you want to stain the fence a different color, that is fine, and cedar takes stain well.

For more information about cedar fencing, contact a local company.
